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  • Registrant : 松江市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/12/19
  • Published : 2023/12/19
  • Changed :2023/12/19
  • Total View : 350 persons
2024/6/1 - 2024/6/9 / 島根県 松江市 / Other

Kiyoshi Koizumi - His Life and Collection Exhibition

In 1899, the painter ・Kiyoshi Koizumi (1899.12.20-1962.2.21) was born as the third son of Yakumo Koizumi. 4 years old, his father suddenly passed away in the fall. While at Waseda Junior High School, Kiyoshi's talent was discovered by Yakumo's student ・ Yaichi Aizu, and he entered the Western-style painting department of the Tokyo School of Fine Arts. Despite the twists and turns that followed, he inherited the artistic sense of his father's uncle Richard and father Yakumo, and spent a unique life as a painter.

In 1899, the painter ・Kiyoshi Koizumi (1899.12.20-1962.2.21) was born as the third son of Yakumo Koizumi. 4 years old, his father suddenly passed away in the fall. While at Waseda Junior High School, Kiyoshi's talent was discovered by Yakumo's student ・ Yaichi Aizu, and he entered the Western-style painting department of the Tokyo School of Fine Arts. Despite the twists and turns that followed, he inherited the artistic sense of his father's uncle Richard and father Yakumo, and spent a unique life as a painter.

Address 島根県 松江市
Date 2024/6/1 - 2024/6/9
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