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  • Registrant : 松江市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2024/06/25
  • Published : 2024/06/25
  • Changed :2024/06/25
  • Total View : 433 persons
2024/8/3 - 2024/8/4 / 島根県 松江市 / Seasonal / Occasion

Matsue Suigo Festival

The Matsue Suigo Festival Lake Fireworks Display is one of the most famous fireworks displays in Japan, held on Lake Shinji in Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture. It features fireworks shot off over the beautiful surface of Lake Shinji, including a series of diagonal shots, a series of starmine shakudama, and simultaneous shots of shakudama from four boats, as well as a unique "hanging curtain" that can only be performed at a vast venue, creating a beautiful scene reflected on the dark surface of the lake.

The Matsue Suigo Festival Lake Fireworks Display is one of the most famous fireworks displays in Japan, held on Lake Shinji in Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture. It is characterized by the fireworks that are launched over the beautiful surface of Lake Shinji, and the unique "hanging curtains" that can only be held at the vast venue, such as the continuous diagonal launch, the continuous firing of shaku-dama (a series of starmine) and the simultaneous launch of shaku-dama from four boats, create a beautiful scene reflected on the dark surface of the lake.
In 2024, a total of 21,000 fireworks are scheduled to be launched, 10,000 on August 3 (Sat.) and 11,000 on August 4 (Sun.).

Address 島根県 松江市
Date 2024/8/3 - 2024/8/4
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